
Eyebrow Transplantation

The most common cause of eyebrow loss, especially in women, is plucking their eyebrows. As the eyebrows are removed very often, other follicles (hairs) in the area usually do not come out.

Apart from this, there are other reasons, such as hormonal reasons, nutritional / vitamin deficiencies, stress, menopause, pregnancy, and eczema.

Women primarily define the eyebrow line with eyebrow tattooing (Microblading, micro pigmentation, or hair technique). However, because the color of tattoos fades and does not look natural, today, women have turned to eyebrow transplantation because they want a natural and definitive solution!

What is an eyebrow transplantation?

Eyebrow transplantation is the transplantation of hair follicles taken from a small area from the hair area on the nape to the eyebrow area. In other words, it is tissue transplantation.

The grafts (hair follicles) on the nape are strong enough not to fall out for almost a lifetime. Single and double grafts (hair roots) taken from this area are planted in the eyebrow area with the DHI technique.

Eyebrow transplantation

Eyebrow transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the scalp, to the eyebrow area in order to create a fuller, more natural-looking eyebrow. The procedure is typically performed by a hair transplant surgeon and can take around 2 hours to complete.

The technique used in the procedure is called DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) which is a modern and advanced method of hair transplantation. DHI technique uses a tool called CHOI pen which allows the surgeon to directly implant the hair follicles into the recipient area without making any incisions. This results in minimal pain, no scarring and a faster recovery.

The healing process after the eyebrow transplantation takes about 7-10 days. During this time, the transplanted hair will fall out, but this is normal and should not cause any concern. After a month, new hair will begin to grow, and after three months the hair will be fully grown and will look natural and permanent.

EsteQuality is the leader in this field of hair transplantation, and our experienced surgeons use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure the best results. Our team of experts will be there with you every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the final follow-up, to make sure that you are completely satisfied with the results of your eyebrow transplantation. Overall, eyebrow transplantation is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of your eyebrows. With the DHI technique and the expertise of EsteQuality, the results will be natural, permanent and you can enjoy your new look in a short period of time.

Eyebrow transplant operation

Eyebrow transplantation is an operation that takes about 2 hours. The nape area is anesthetized with Dermojet (Needle-Free Anesthesia), and grafts are taken. With the DHI technique, “a Choi Pen” tool, the grafts are transplanted into the eyebrow area.

The most crucial point of the eyebrow transplant operation is planting grafts at the right angle to the area to be planted. The naturalness in the image is proportional to the planting angles.

On average, the swelling goes down 2-3 days after the operation, and only the crusting process continues, and this process heals completely in an average of 7-10 days.

Afterward, some of the transplanted grafts are lost depending on the physiological structure of the person. For example, some people lose their strands of %20. Also, some people lose of %80, but three months after the operation, the losing strands start to come out again. After the inner tissues have healed (15-30 days after the operation), you can paint the eyebrow area with a pencil.

It takes 6-12 months for the eyebrows to heal entirely and the eyebrows to grow (The growth period also varies depending on the physiological structure of the person).

Post-operative care

After the operation, you should be careful not to rub the eyebrows anywhere until the scabs fall off. You sleep with the neck pillow provided by us.

You should not scratch the eyebrow area during the scabbing process.

One day after the operation, the eyebrows are washed and moistened with the shampoo given to us. This process is repeated daily until the scabs fall off.

There is no harm in taking a shower after the operation, and it will be enough not to touch your eyebrows with pressurized water in the shower. Those planted with pressurized water may cause the grafts to come out.

Our medical consultants want you for a photo every two to three days after the operation to control it. After the scabs fall out, we check them once a month until a year is completed.

After the scabs fall off, you patiently wait for your new eyebrows to grow without having to do anything.

When your new eyebrows start to grow, they are combed daily with an eyebrow brush, thus correcting their direction.

At first, they grow faster than normal eyebrows, and that’s why you cut regularly. Afterward, they rise to the same extent, similar to other eyebrows.

You can call us or send your photos on WhatsApp for all the detailed information and whether your hair is suitable for eyebrow transplantation. Also you can check our packages for more information.

Operation Time

2 Hours


Local Anesthesia

Needle-Free Anesthesia

Sensitivity process

3 Days

Return to work

3 Days

Healing process

12 Days




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